Shipping and Returns

  • How much does shipping cost?

This would depend on the option you elect at checkout and the value of your order. If you elect economy we will elect to dispatch this within 3-5 business days of your order being placed, standard is within 2-3 business days and express is next day shipping.

For orders up to £79.99:

Economy - £6.99
Standard - £7.99
Express - £9.99

For orders over £80.00:

Economy - Free
Standard - £0.99
Express - £2.99

We use Parcel Force 24 Delivery which means we aim for your gorgeous new plants to be with you within 1-3 business days of your order being dispatched. 

  • When do you ship?

Plants are shipped Monday to Thursday to avoid weekend delays and ensure freshness upon arrival. This is also to ensure that your plants are not sitting in a box in a warehouse over the weekend without the relevant care they need. Any orders without a plant included (accessories, plant care, substrates etc) will be shipped on a Friday without any delay. 

  • How long will it take to receive my order?

Once your order has been shipped, this should arrive within 1-3 business days after your order is placed. Please note that non-UK mainland orders can take up to 5 days.

Further delivery details will be provided in your confirmation email.

  • What if I need to return my order?

We always strive to ensure our customers are delighted with our products, but if you need to return an order, we completely understand. Simply email us directly, and we will arrange for the relevant return.

Packaging and Live Arrival Guarantee

  • Is your packaging eco-friendly?

We always try to ensure that our carbon footprint is as low as possible - therefore all our cardboard and paper packaging is recyclable. 

  • What is the 'Live Arrival Guarantee'?

When you purchase plants from BeyondTropics, we make a firm commitment to ensure the health and vitality of every single specimen we deliver to your doorstep. Our rigorous quality control processes and meticulous growing practices allow us to stand behind our plants with a 10-day live arrival guarantee. This means that if any of the plants you receive from us fail to thrive within the first 10 days, we will happily replace them free of charge.

However, it's important to keep in mind that plants, as living organisms, can be quite sensitive to significant changes in their environment. Things like temperature fluctuations, variations in light exposure, or even slight changes in soil conditions can sometimes cause minor cosmetic imperfections to develop, even in the healthiest of plants. A few discoloured leaves, a bit of wilting, or the occasional blemish are all perfectly normal and to be expected when dealing with living, growing things. Rest assured, these superficial issues do not indicate any deeper health problems - they are simply the plant's natural response to the transition from our greenhouse to your home. With proper care, these minor aesthetic flaws will often correct themselves over time as the plant acclimates to its new surroundings. Our 10-day guarantee ensures that if any more serious issues arise, we'll be there to make it right, but a little bit of natural variability in appearance is simply the price we pay for the joy of bringing the beauty of nature into our living spaces.

Exclusions - As products of the natural world, plants will inevitably exhibit a range of natural variations in their colours, shapes, and markings that make each one unique. These subtle differences are a testament to the incredible diversity and adaptability of the plant kingdom, and are simply part of the inherent charm and character of these living, growing organisms. At BeyondTropics, we believe these natural imperfections are what make our plants so special and alluring, and we do not consider them to be flaws or defects. Our guarantee reflects this philosophy, as we do not cover claims related to the natural variations that occur in our plants.

Similarly, the proper care and handling of our products is the responsibility of our customers. Plants have specific needs when it comes to factors like watering, sunlight, temperature, and soil, and improper care - such as re-potting or pruning - can severely impact their health and vitality. As such, we cannot accept claims or returns for plants that have been mishandled by the customer, as this falls outside the scope of our guarantee. We encourage all of our customers to thoroughly research the care requirements for the plants they are ordering, in order to give them the best chance of thriving in their new homes.

Furthermore, BeyondTropics cannot be held accountable for issues that arise due to missed deliveries or incorrect contact/address information provided by the customer. Plants are perishable goods, and delays in their receipt can have serious consequences. Similarly, if a customer requests that a package be left outdoors, we cannot guarantee the condition of the plants upon arrival. In these cases, the responsibility lies with the customer, and our guarantee does not apply. For the same reason, we are unable to issue refunds on returned plants that have been subject to multiple missed deliveries or non-collection from pickup points - the perishable nature of the goods simply makes this infeasible.

Ultimately, the natural variations and care requirements of plants are an inherent part of their unique and wonderful nature. At BeyondTropics, we strive to provide our customers with the highest quality products possible, but we also recognize that there are certain factors beyond our control. Our policies and guarantees are designed to be fair and transparent, ensuring that both we and our customers can enjoy the beauty and wonder of the plant kingdom to the fullest.